The Earth From Space
Photogrammetry Part 3
John Lindsay
Fall 2015
Methods based on parallax
- The effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to
differ when viewed from different positions.
- These are the most useful approaches to measuring heights from images.
- Requires high quality stereoscopic photo pairs (two overlapping images).
- Image tilt must be less than 3 degrees.
- Images must be taken from the same height.
(From: Booyabazooka CC License)
(From: Jensen 2007)
Steroscopic viewing methods
(From: Jensen 2007)
Lens Stereoscope with Parallax Bar
(From: Jensen 2007)
(From: Jensen 2007)
(From: Jensen 2007)
Notice that the average absolute
parallax (Distance between PP and CPP) is the image distance equivalent to
the air base.
Parallax equation for level terrain
\(h = \frac {H{dP}}{P + {dP}}\)
- h = height of the object being measured
- H = flying hgt. above the object base
- P = Average absolute parallax (avg. Distance between PP and CPP)
- dP = difference in parallax between top and bottom of the object
(From: Mersey)
Parallax equation for mountainous terrain
\(h = \frac {H{dP}}{P + \frac {P \Delta E}{H} {dP}}\)
- ΔE = Elevation difference between the object
base and the average of the two PPs, + if higher and – if lower.
Measuring P
(From: Mersey)
Measuring dP
(From: Mersey)
Measuring dP
(From: Mersey)
(From: Jensen 2007)
(From: Jensen 2007)
Using a parallax bar to
measure differential parallax
(From: Mersey)
Extraction of Building Infrastructure Using
Soft-Copy Photogrammetric Techniques
(From: Jensen 2007)
(From: Jensen 2007)
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
- You can calculate the parallax for any location on stereo-images.
- It is commonly the case that this would be done along a regular grid
and these x, y, z points then used to create DEMs.
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
- In the field of Computer Vision (stereo-vision), a disparity map/image
is equivalent to a DEM...measures the distance from the camera.
- Often calculated using OpenCV or Matlab software and from
images taken by uncalibrated cameras.
- These frequently lack the precision of a survey-grade DEM.
Disparity Map
(From: Sepehri)
Photogrammetry isn't just
about measuring heights
- It also includes measuring heights, angles, distances, and areas.
- Why might you want to measure an area off imagery?
The challenges...
- It's easy to measure the area of simple shapes but what about more
complex shapes?
- Images are not maps and are affected by distortions and displacements.
- Raw images have non-uniform scale throughout.
Areas of simple shapes
But what about the area of this?
Methods for measuring areas
- Weight apportionment method
- Calculates the percent coverage of a particular land cover compared to total
- Need a very precise balance
- Dot count method
- Transparent overlay with fine grid of dots
Methods for measuring areas
- Planimeter
- Specially designed instrument to measure perimeters and areas
- Must convert to ground units.
- Digitizing tablets
- On-screen digitizing
On-screen digitizing
- Either scan a hardcopy image or use digital imagery.
- Digitizing takes place in a geographic information system (GIS).
- Each digitized polygon becomes a record in a GIS attribute table.
- The attribute (e.g. Forest, farmland), perimeter, and area are easily queried from the table.
On-screen digitizing
- Best to geometrically rectify before you digitize!
- This is the process of creating an orthophoto to serve as the base
for digitizing.
- Convert images with perspective projections (conical bundle of rays) to
an orthographic projection (parallel rays)
- The effects of tilt and relief are removed.
- An orthophoto is a uniform-scale photograph. It is a
photographic map.
- Since an orthophoto has a uniform scale, it is possible to measure
directly on it like other maps.
(From: USGS)
- The accuracy of a digital orthoimage is a function of:
- The quality of the raw imagery
- The ground control points (GCPs)
- The quality and character of the DEM
- Orthorectification is challenging in areas of rapid elevation change, which is
common in urban areas containing tall buildings.
- So called 'True' orthoimages not only remove topographic displacement due to
the terrain, but also the effects of off-terrain objects.
- This requires a digital surface model (DSM) rather than a bare-Earth DEM.
True Orthophotos/Orthoimages
(From: Nielsen, 2004)