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Copyright © John Lindsay, 2015


GIS and Spatial Analysis

Basic Raster and Vector
Data Analysis Part 3

John Lindsay
Fall 2015
  • In the georelational data model used for vectors, each feature is assigned a unique key or identifer.
  • With raster data, points, lines, and polygons are stored as one or more pixels but there is nothing that explicitly identifies a cell as belonging to a certain feature
  • What can you do when you need to perform operations on features?

Clumping (Grouping)

  • Each contiguous group of cells with the same value in the input image will be assigned the same unique identifier in the output image

  • Called Region Group in ArcGIS, r.clump in GRASS, Group in Idrisi, and Clump (Group) in Whitebox GAT.

  • Only performed on Boolean or categorical raster images
    • Why not on continuous data images?

Clumping (Grouping)

Identifiers are usually assigned in the order they are encountered during the scan from the upper left-hand corner
Always display clumped images using a random (qualitative) palette
Clumping palettes Clumping palettes
Clumping as a means of noise removal
Clumping based noise removal
Removing background features
Clumping and background features
Including/excluding diagonal connectivity
Clumping with diagonal connectivity
Including/excluding diagonal connectivity
Clumping with diagonal connectivity
Clumping with diagonal connectivity
Clumping with diagonal connectivity

Spatial Filtering

  • A very widely used analysis technique in raster geospatial analysis; perhaps the most common raster neighbourhood operation
  • Based on convolution techniques of image processing
  • Involves visiting each grid cell in an image and examining the neighbouring cells within a kernel, also called a window or filter
  • Works on Boolean, categorical, and continuous images
Spatial filtering
Spatial filtering ops
Spatial filtering examples

Spatial Filtering

  • Filters are used for all kinds of applications

  • Some filters are used to smooth surfaces

  • Some are used to emphasize the high-frequency noise

  • Others are used to find edges in an image
Spatial filtering examples
Modal filters

Varrying kernel size

Filter size

Varrying kernel size

  • The most common kernel size is 3 cell × 3 cell

  • Any other kernel size is possible, though it should be an odd number so that there is a centre cell to the kernel

  • The number of calculations that are needed to perform a filter increase exponentially with increased kernel size

  • Repeating a filter several times is equivalent to using a larger filter window

Varrying kernel shapes

Filter shape

Varrying kernel shapes

  • Other kernel shapes are possible
    • e.g. rectangles, ovals, etc.
    • The shape must be approximated by a grid

  • These are usually used to give a directional preference to the filter known as anisotropy

  • Isotropy = homogeneity in all directions

  • Anisotropy is the opposite, i.e. pronounced directionality
Filter shape
Minimum and maximum filters on Boolean images
MIN and MAX filters
Maximum filter on a Boolean is referred to as Dilation
Minimum and maximum filters on Boolean images
MIN and MAX filters
Minimum filter on a Boolean is referred to as Erosion
Spatial filtering in ArcGIS
Filtering in ArcGIS
Spatial filtering in Whitebox GAT
Filtering in Whitebox GAT
Spatial filtering in IDRISI
Filtering in IDRISI