This tool can be used to perform an edge-preserving smoothing filter, or bilateral filter, on a raster image. A bilateral filter can be used to emphasize the longer-range variability in an image, effectively acting to smooth the image, while reducing the edge blurring effect common with other types of smoothing filters. As such, this filter is very useful for reducing the noise in an image. Bilateral filtering is a non-linear filtering technique introduced by Tomasi and Manduchi (1998). The algorithm operates by convolving a kernel of weights with each grid cell and its neighbours in an image. The bilateral filter is related to Gaussian smoothing, in that the weights of the convolution kernel are partly determined by the 2-dimensional Gaussian (i.e. normal) curve, which gives stronger weighting to cells nearer the kernel centre. Unlike the Gaussian filter, however, the bilateral kernel weightings are also affected by their similarity to the intensity value of the central pixel. Pixels that are very different in intensity from the central pixel are weighted less, also based on a Gaussian weight distribution. Therefore, this non-linear convolution filter is determined by the spatial and intensity domains of a localized pixel neighborhood.
The heavier weighting given to nearer and similar-valued pixels makes the bilateral filter an attractive alternative for image smoothing and noise reduction compared to the much-used Mean filter. The size of the filter is determined by setting the standard deviation distance parameter; the larger the standard deviation the larger the resulting filter kernel. The standard deviation can be any number in the range 0.5-20 and is specified in the unit of pixels. The standard deviation intensity parameter, specified in the same units as the z-values, determines the intensity domain contribution to kernel weightings.
NoData values in the input image are ignored during filtering. When the neighbourhood around a grid cell extends beyond the edge of the grid, NoData values are assigned to these sites. The output raster is of the float data type and continuous data scale.
The following is an example of a Python script that uses this tool:
wd = pluginHost.getWorkingDirectory()
inputFile = wd + "input.dep"
outputFile = wd + "output.dep"
stddDevDist = "0.75"
stdDevIntensity = "10.0"
reflectEdges = "true"
args = [inputFile, outputFile, stddDevDist, stdDevIntensity, reflectEdges]
pluginHost.runPlugin("FilterEdgePreservingSmoothing", args, False)
This is a Groovy script also using the tool:
def wd = pluginHost.getWorkingDirectory()
def inputFile = wd + "input.dep"
def outputFile = wd + "output.dep"
def stddDevDist = "2.5"
def stdDevIntensity = "4.0"
def reflectEdges = "true"
String[] args = [inputFile, outputFile, stddDevDist, stdDevIntensity, reflectEdges]
pluginHost.runPlugin("FilterEdgePreservingSmoothing", args, false)