Import XYZ to vector points

This tool can be used to import a series of x,y,z points into a vector shapefile of a POINT ShapeType. The input file must be an ASCII type with either a .txt or .asc extension. The file must contain three columns with x, y, and z data respectively. The z column may contain any numeric value, e.g. a point ID or elevation value. There must be one point per row in the file without blank rows. The file may contain a header row, i.e. the first row may contain text information, in which case, this must be specified by checking the is the first line of the file a header? checkbox in the tool dialog.

See Also:


The following is an example of a Python script using this tool:

wd = pluginHost.getWorkingDirectory()
# You may have multiple input files but they must
# be separated by semicolons in the string.
inputFiles = wd + "input1.txt" + ";" + wd + "input2.txt" + ";" + wd + "input3.txt"
firstLineIsHeader = "false"
args = [inputFiles, firstLineIsHeader]
pluginHost.runPlugin("ImportXYZToVectorPoints", args, False)

This is a Groovy script also using this tool:

def wd = pluginHost.getWorkingDirectory()
// You may have multiple input files but they must
// be separated by semicolons in the string.
def inputFiles = wd + "input1.txt" + ";" + wd + "input2.txt" + ";" + wd + "input3.txt"
def firstLineIsHeader = "true"
String[] args = [inputFiles, firstLineIsHeader]
pluginHost.runPlugin("ImportXYZToVectorPoints", args, false)
