Grading the Final Report
The following grading scheme will be used to assess your report:
Introduction (5 marks)
- A brief introduction to the problem.
Methods (20 marks)
- Describe the data and the study site.
- Description of the analysis approach.
- Include the Python script that you used to help document your approach the the change detection analysis.
- Be sure to use at least two different change detection approaches.
- Describe the approaches that you used to address the problem. For example, what pre-processing techniques (e.g. radiometric calibration), if any, did you need use (and you will need to use some, believe me!)? Did you use pre- or post-classification approaches, or perhaps a combination of both? In other words, exactly what techniques did you select?
- Be sure to provide justifications for the approaches that you chose.
Results – Graphics (10 marks)
- Results of analysis (images, maps, graphs, and/or tables where relevant).
Results – Documentation (20 marks)
- Interpretation of results.
- Statement of limitations of your results (i.e. because of limitations of your methodology).
General presentation (10 marks)
- Neat and concise reporting
- Spelling and grammar (be sure to proofread your work)
- Organization (report is well laid-out using appropriate sections)
- Consistent in-text citations and reference list.
The total is 65 marks.