Euclidean allocation

This tool assigns grid cells in the output image the value of the nearest target cell in the input image, measured by the Euclidean distance (i.e. straight-line distance). Thus, Euclidean Allocation essentially creates the Voronoi diagram for a set of target cells. Target cells are all non-zero, non-NoData grid cells in the input image. Distances are calculated using the same algorithm as the Euclidean distance tool. Three temporary images are created during the calculation and should be automatically deleted upon completion.

See Also:


The following is an example of a Python script that uses this tool:

wd = pluginHost.getWorkingDirectory()
inputFile = wd + "input.dep"
outputFile = wd + "output.dep"
args = [inputFile, outputFile]
pluginHost.runPlugin("EuclideanAllocation", args, False)

This is a Groovy script also using this tool:

def wd = pluginHost.getWorkingDirectory()
def inputFile = wd + "input.dep"
def outputFile = wd + "output.dep"
String[] args = [inputFile, outputFile]
pluginHost.runPlugin("EuclideanAllocation", args, false)
