GIS tools
Available GIS tools include the following:
- Area: Estimates the area of each category, polygon, or patch in an input image.
- Buffer: Identifies an area of interest within a specified distance of features of interest.
- Clump: Used to assign a unique identifier to each contiguous patch in an input image, i.e. a grouping operation.
- Cost Accumulation: Creates a cost-distance accumulation from a group of source cells using a cost surface.
- Cost Allocation: Performs a source-allocation on a least cost-distance operation. That is, each cell in the grid is assigned the value of the lowest cost source cell to reach.
- Cost Pathway: Identifies the lowest cost pathway joining a destination cell to a source cell.
- Euclidean Allocation: Assigns grid cells in the output image the value of the nearest target cell in the input image, measured by the Euclidean (straight-line) distance.
- Euclidean Distance: Used to estimate the distance to various spatial objects in a raster image.
- Reclass From ASCII Text File: Creates a new raster image in which the value of each grid cell is determined by the values in an input raster image and a reclass file.
- Reclass (user-defined classes): Creates a new raster in which the value of each grid cell is determined by an input raster and a collection of user-defined classes.
- Weighted Overlay: Combines multiple factors with varying levels of weight or relative importance. Automatically converts the input factors to a common user-defined scale and allows the user to specify benefit factors and cost factors.
- Weighted Sum: Combines multiple factors with varying levels of weight or relative importance.